
Showing posts from February, 2017

timestamp with 16, 13 and 10 digits to Qlik date

Sometimes, we need to convert the Linux timestamps to Qlik date, it can be done in the SQL script, and can also be done in the Qlik Load/expression. Linux timestamps with 16 digits are microseconds timestamps, and 13 digits are milliseconds, and 10 digits are second timestamps. To convert to a Qlik date, hour or time as following: As the timestamps starts from "19700101 00:00:00",  then this start timestamps needs be added: For 16 digits: Date(Date#('19700101', 'YYYYMMDD')+(SynchronousQuery_ Event_Time/1000000/86400) or  Date(25569+Round(SynchronousQuery_ Event_Time/1000000/86400),'YYYYMMDD') 25569 is the number format for date '19700101' For 13 digits: Date(Date#('19700101', 'YYYYMMDD')+(SynchronousQuery_ Event_Time/1000/86400) or  Date(25569+Round(SynchronousQuery_ Event_Time/1000/86400),'YYYYMMDD') For 10 digits: Date(Date#('19700101', 'YYYYMMDD')+(SynchronousQuery_ Event_T