
Showing posts from September, 2013

Build a php+java+mysql project in Linux system

1. Check out the code from a version control system. From svn: svn co svn+ssh://user@ localpath note: keep the structure in the version control system. 2. Install php, java, mysql, and php-mysql, php5-curl For the mysql 5.6 installation. You can check on my other blog  Install MYSQL 5.6 in ubuntu 12.04 and set password If you get error as below: Fatal error: Call to undefined function mysql_connect() It is most possible that your php-mysql is not correctly installed. And needs to be installed: shell> sudo apt - get install php5 - mysql If you get error as below: PHP Notice: Use of undefined constant CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER It is because you do not install php5-curl, and you can install it like this: shell> sudo apt-get install php5-curl 3. set the java lib path set the $CLASSPATH for java project, there are three ways to set the value. solution 1: ~$ export CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:/path/to/external/lib:/path/to/external/jar/file/example.

Include other projects in a new PHP project in eclipse

Include other projects correctly After you create a new php project, even you use the right path in the php code to include other project/classes, these classes/methods can not be selected/clicked using "shift + left click". That is because you need to set the setting of the new project, and select the include path by: Project properties->PHP Include Path->Projects, then add necessary projects.