
Showing posts from June, 2015

jqgrid "form editing" example in Python-Django

It tooks me  a lot of time to figure out jqgrid form editing add/edit/del the jqgrid table in Django/Python structure, as the similar topics I found in the internet always only discussed part of it, or half-way solution.  So after several days painful time, I finally have most part works. Now  summary it. I use array from python to display in jqgrid. Html: <table id="list"></table> <div id="pager"></div> The javascript : //This is correct way to get the array from python, even with syntax //error highlighted in javascript var sitedata = {{ siteArray }} jQuery ( "#list" ). jqGrid ({ datatype: local mtype : 'POST' , //height: 450, autowidth: true , shrinkToFit: true, colNames :[ 'Website' , 'Year' , 'Website Id' , 'Create Date' , 'Comment' ], colModel :[ { name : 'site_name',index:&