jqgrid "form editing" example in Python-Django

It tooks me  a lot of time to figure out jqgrid form editing add/edit/del the jqgrid table in Django/Python structure, as the similar topics I found in the internet always only discussed part of it, or half-way solution.  So after several days painful time, I finally have most part works. Now  summary it.

I use array from python to display in jqgrid.

<table id="list"></table>
<div id="pager"></div>

The javascript :
//This is correct way to get the array from python, even with syntax
//error highlighted in javascript
var sitedata = {{ siteArray }}
jQuery("#list").jqGrid({ datatype: local mtype: 'POST', //height: 450, autowidth: true, shrinkToFit: true, colNames:['Website', 'Year', 'Website Id', 'Create Date', 'Comment'], colModel :[ {name: 'site_name',index:'site_name', editable: true, width:100}, {name: 'year',index:'year', editable: true, width:40, sorttype:"int",search:true, template:yearTemplate}, {name: 'website_id',index:'website_id', editable: true, width:50, sorttype:"int"}, {name: 'create_date',index:'create_date', editable: true, width:40, sorttype:"date",formatter:"date", formatoptions:{srcformat:'Y/m/d', newformat:'d.m.Y'}, {name: 'comment',index:'comment', editable: true, width:100}, ], pager: '#pager', rowNum:20, rowList:[20,50,100], sortname: 'did', sortorder: "desc", multiselect: true, viewrecords: true, imgpath: 'themes/basic/images', caption: 'Devices list', height: 450, //the url below is the url of the page which processed by view.py, and defiend in urls.py editurl: "{% url views.site %}", });
// Code below is used to display the array data in jqgrid, more examples can be found here for (var i=0; i<=sitedata.length;i++) jQuery("#list").jqGrid('addRowData',i+1,sitedata[i]);

// Add the navigation buttons
("#list").jqGrid('navGrid', '#pager',{alerttop:1600, alertleft:512, add:true,edit:true,del:true,search:true}, { // Code below used to process the 403 Forbidden error as discussed later in this article checkOnSubmit:true, // Pop-up window to ask for confirmation to submit, only for edit
reloadAfterSubmit:true, closeOnEscape:true, editData: {csrfmiddlewaretoken: '{{ csrf_token }}'}, afterSubmit: function(){location.relaod(true);} // Refresh the page to display the submitted data }, { closeAfterAdd:true, reloadAfterSubmit:true, closeOnEscape:true, editData: {csrfmiddlewaretoken: '{{ csrf_token }}'},
           afterSubmit: function(){location.relaod(true);} 
}, { closeOnEscape:true, delData: {csrfmiddlewaretoken: '{{ csrf_token }}'} }, {height: 230, reloadAfterSubmit: true} );

Python code:

from django.shortcuts import render_to_response
from django.http import HttpResponse
from djanog.template import ReqestContext 
from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe
import MySQLdb as mdb
def site(request): #code context_dict = {} #code #Check MySQLdb usage con = mdb.connect(host='', port='',user='',passwd='',db='',charset="utf8",use_unicode=True, init_command='SET NAMES UTF8') #--------jqgrid Add/Edit/Del row-------------------------- method = request.method # The variables from POST of jqgrid can be found in the " What is posted to the server " here oper = request.POST.get("oper") if oper is not None: year = request.POST.get("year") comment = request.POST.get("comment") website_id = request.POST.get("website_id") create_date_o = request.POST.get("create_date") # Modify the date format for database create_date = datetime.datetime.strptime(create_date_o,'%d.%m.%Y').strftime('%Y-%m-%d') if oper == 'add': try: #import pdb; pdb.set_trace() update(con, query_add_vmk(year,jq_vmk,comment,website_id,create_date)) return home(request) except ValueError: print "mysql Update() dose not work." elif oper == "edit": #code return home(request) #---------jqgrid Display data------------------------------- loadsites = response_sites(con, query_sites()) #The result from mysql needs to be processed as json format to be used by jqgrid context_dict['siteArray'] = mark_safe(json.dumps(loadsites)) #code return render_to_response("project/sites.html", context_dict, RequestContext(request),) #code context_dict = {} #code #Check MySQLdb usage con = mdb.connect(host='', port='',user='',passwd='',db='',charset="utf8",use_unicode=True, init_command='SET NAMES UTF8') #--------jqgrid Add/Edit/Del row-------------------------- method = request.method # The variables from POST of jqgrid can be found in the " What is posted to the server " here oper = request.POST.get("oper") if oper is not None: year = request.POST.get("year") comment = request.POST.get("comment") website_id = request.POST.get("website_id") create_date_o = request.POST.get("create_date") # Modify the date format for database create_date = datetime.datetime.strptime(create_date_o,'%d.%m.%Y').strftime('%Y-%m-%d') if oper == 'add': try: #import pdb; pdb.set_trace() update(con, query_add_vmk(year,jq_vmk,comment,website_id,create_date)) // query_add_vmk is a function with mysql query to add the data in the dtabase return home(request) except ValueError: print "mysql Update() dose not work." elif oper == "edit": #code #---------jqgrid Display data------------------------------- loadsites = response_sites(con, query_sites()) #The result from mysql needs to be processed as json format to be used by jqgrid context_dict['siteArray'] = mark_safe(json.dumps(loadsites)) #code return render_to_response("project/sites.html", context_dict, RequestContext(request),)

Now you can start to play with jqgrid. There are still a lot of issues and tricks, I will continue when I have time.

1. Avoid  csdf_token problem.
            editData: {csrfmiddlewaretoken: '{{ csrf_token }}'}
2. Customer the position of warning pop-up window for form-editing:
This pop -up window is a reminder to "Select row" when edit/del a row.

{alerttop:1600, alertleft:512, add:true,edit:true,del:true,search:true}
Though this is not a good solution as the position is fixed. Will work to figure out a dynamic solution based on the position of the grid.

3. Refresh the page (different from reload the grid)
afterSubmit: function(){location.relaod(true);}
Add this option in the setting for action edit, add, or del. Then the data will refreshed from the server. You action will be reflected in the grid.

1. The demos of jqgrid, with good example to load different type of source data to jqgrid:
2. The playground of jqgrid, http://jsfiddle.net/jqJch/69/


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